What's better than meat and potatoes? Potatoes on the meat! Genius! Hash Brown Steak tops a beautifully grilled, succulent, beefy steak with a crispy, cheesy hash brown topping. There's no need for side dishes when Hash Brown Steak is on the menu; it has everything you need piled high right on top! This is the best potatoes-on-meat dish since shepherd's pie!
This is Homestyle Chicken Fried Steak. Is there another dish more quintessentially Southern? We don't think so! With homemade extra-savory and creamy white gravy adorning the crispy, succulent steaks, breaded and fried in the classic manner — It's just so rustic and charming. There's no such thing as too much when it comes to Homestyle Chicken Fried Steak. Consider this a homecoming for great dinners!