Avast landlubbers! Give your greetings to Ahoy Tacos and say away to the Gulf of Mexico! There you'll find a treasure trove of tender white fish, golden grilled corn, fresh vegetables, and bright cilantro and lime flavors! The vessel we be sailing on is the S.S. Soft Taco, a seaworthy beauty, perfect for packing all of those flavors into each bite! Raise the sails and ride the crests of great taste with Ahoy Tacos!
Whether you're making decisions in the Oval Office or just gearing up for a busy day of errands, you need the right fuel! Ideally, it should nourish you and also make your taste buds thrilled to take on the day, and that's what Jackie Kennedy's Brunch Salad does! Tender potatoes and crisp, savory bacon mingle with fresh arugula and hearty soft-boiled eggs for an extra filling and tasty breakfast! With a tangy mustard vinaigrette on top, Jackie Kennedy's Brunch Salad is truly presidential!